In this musical stage adapation of the 1951 Disney Film, Alice In Wonderland, we travel down the rabbit hole once again and join Alice’s madcap adventures as she chases the White Rabbit, races the Dodo Bird, gets tied up with a bubble-blowing Caterpillar and beats the Queen of Hearts at her own game! Three different Chesire Cats and dozens of other wonderfully wacky characters provide hillarious fun for all with updated dialogue and new arrangements of such classic Disney songs as I’m Late, The Un-Birthday Song, and Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.
Artistic Staff
Dale Nakagawa
Stage Manager
April Rozier
Asst. Stage Manager
Alexa Rose
Musical Director
Terry Temple
Hair & Makeup Design
Ever Flores
Set Design
Kevin Beamon
Emily Starrett
Costume Design
Benjamin Bozovich
Sound Design
Peter Bish
Madeline Wessel – Alice
Alex Kirby – “Small” Alice
Ryan Perry – “Tall” Alice
Casey Likes – Mad Hatter
Ally Chisenki – Queen of Hearts
Carson Doan – King of Hearts
Audra Hoover – Cheshire Cat 1
Briana Fleming – Cheshire Cat 2
Berkeley Lock – Cheshire Cat 3
Lauren Kort – White Rabbit
Caterpillar – Zach Guerrero
Katharine Wilhelmsen – March Hare
Cate Labas – Doorknob
Nicolette Sciortino – Petunia
Olivia Parker-Swenson – Lily
Greta Perlmutter – Violet
Taylor Penn – Rosie
Bella Conner – Daisy
Greer Tornquist – Dodo Bird
Astrid Westberg – Mathilda
Raechel Rawicz – Tweedle Dee
Simone Rawicz – Tweedle Dum
Camille Bischoff
Ava Caggiano
Keira Cohen
Emma Dabill
Rebecca Dabill
Madigan Day
Grace Elsie
Maggie Gable
Sabrina Hirshorn
Bebe Katsenes
Sophia Penn
Alaine Pimsner
Yani Shao
Aubrie Silva
Eden Tornquist
Click here to watch the Alice in Wonderland promo video!
Photography by Laura Durant