On the run from Shere Khan, a ferocious tiger who has banished him from the jungle, a human boy named Mowgli is aided by an agile panther named Bagheera. Along the way, the two meet a sinister snake named Kaa, a herd of elephants, and a giant bear named Baloo, who teaches them the swingin’ musical rhythms of the jungle.
After surviving a dangerous encounter with a band of monkeys led by King Louie, Mowgli and Bagheera are forced to run for their lives. Shere Khan returns, leading our protagonists to rally their follow jungle creatures into battle and restore peace to the jungle.
Artistic Staff
Director & Musical Director
Scott Storr
Set Design
David Weiss
Lisa Young
Costume Design
Jean Aiken
Sound Design
Brett Aiken
Lighting Design & Stage Manager
Samantha Bostwick
Lighting Design
Bob Nelson
Cast (Listed Alphabetically)
Mitch Arndt – Colonel Hathi
Madeleine Bates – Ensemble/ Monkey
Rebecca Bauer – Ensemble/ Monkey
Mercedes Bischoff – Ensemble / Monkey
Rebecca Caswell – Ensemble/ Mongoose
Keira Cohen – Ensemble/ Wolf Cub
Jade Chotin – Ensemble/ Monkey
Spencer Claus – King Louie
Emma Dabill – Ensemble/Monkey
Elise Daniels – Ensemble/ Mother Wolf
Viktor Ekeberg Schneider – Mowgli
Jake Garvey – Ensemble/ Monkey
Julia Gellman – Vulture
Maya Granger – Ensemble/ Exotic Bird
Liz Grannis – Snake
Lexie Harvie – Ensemble/ Monkey
Sabrina Hirshorn – Ensemble/ Monkey
Elizabeth Karlsson – Ensemble/ Wolf Cub
Mary Katherine Kem – Ensemble/ Elephant
Talia Khan – Kaa
Alex Kirby – Baby Elephant
Lindsey Koelbel – Ensemble/ Exotic Bird
Jeremy Kozura – Ensemble/ Monkey
Berkeley Lock – Ensemble/ Wolf Cub
Emily Marderness – Vulture
Bridget Marlowe – Vulture
Joe Mcgehee – Shere Khan
Olivia Parker-Swenson – Snake
Greta Perlmutter – Ensemble/ Elephant
Harrison Redmond – Ensemble/ Monkey
Celine Sanel – Snake
Reid Shniderman – Ensemble/ Elephant
Jessica Sinodis – Snake
Tanner Smalley – Baloo
Teresa Smalley – Ensemble/ Monkey
Bailey Smith – Ensemble/ Monkey
Breagh Watson – Bagheera
Johnna Watson – Col. Hathi’s Wife
Tatum Weight – Shanti
Caroline Wells – Vulture
Photography by Laura Durant